Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations
Rice treats at Elmvale Fall Fair competitions

Privacy Act

Any information collected by the Flos Agricultural Society regarding members, exhibitors, commercial exhibitors, sponsors, directors and any other persons related directly to the business of the Flos Agricultural Society and the Elmvale Fall Fair, will be solely used for the purposes of promotion of the Flos Agricultural Society and the Elmvale Fall Fair, and for the maintenance of their files and data base.

Any member, exhibitor, commercial exhibitor, sponsor or director realizes that when they agree to take part in the Flos Agricultural Society and the Elmvale Fall Fair, that their names may be published for these reasons only. None of this information whatsoever will be sold or transferred to any outside party for any reason.


  1. The annual membership fee is $5.
  2. If the sum/sums awarded to any person as a prize or premium, is greater than $10, it shall be lawful for and the duty of the Treasurer to retain the sum of $5. If the total winnings are greater than $50, then the Treasurer will deduct 10%. This will entitle the exhibitor to 2025 membership in the Society and a vote at our Annual General Meeting. No monies will be deducted from Junior Exhibitors. All membership fees retained are allocated to prize money.
  3. Next Annual General Meeting date has been set for January 25, 2025 (location to be determined).


  1. If you would like your entry tags already filled out for you when you arrive with your exhibits on Wednesday, October 9th send your list to Secretary, Pat Leonard, P.O. Box 3061 Elmvale, Ont L0L 1P0 by Canada Post, or delivered personally; so as to reach her on or before MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2024.
  2. Entry forms and entry tags for School and Adult entries will be available after Sept. 1 at the Elmvale Library, & the front lobby of Superior Facility Services, 8 Yonge St. S., Elmvale.
  3. All exhibitors must register at the Fair Office and provide complete mailing address in order to receive any prize money awarded.
  4. Livestock exhibitors will be allowed free admission for two attendants.
  5. All animals must be on the grounds before 10 am on the day of which they are to be exhibited, and shall not be removed until 5 pm
  6. PICK-UP RULES: All exhibits in the Hall to be left until 4:30 pm on Saturday, October 12, 2024. At 4 pm the adult home craft area will be closed to spectators as volunteers prepare articles/ exhibits for pick-up. At 4:30 pm, ONLY exhibitors and/or their designates will be permitted into the Hall to gather entries. Proof of ownership may be required.
  7. Each exhibitor, upon arriving on the grounds, must apply to the Committee in charge, who will inform the exhibitor where the animals or articles are to be placed.
  8. All animals and articles exhibited to be at the risk of the exhibitor.
  9. While the Directors will take every reasonable and responsible precaution to insure the safety of articles exhibited, they wish it to be distinctly understood that owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them. Should any article be lost, damaged or stolen, the Directors will give every assistance within their power towards the recovery of said article, but will make no payment in whole or in part value thereof. The Directors will take every precaution to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible for any accident in or on the Fairgrounds. The Exhibitor will be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage done to, occasioned by or arising from his/her participation in the Elmvale Fall Fair and shall indemnify the Flos Agricultural Society against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereof.
  1. Every animal and article exhibited must be the actual bona fide property of the exhibitor at the time the entry is made.
  2. No article is to be exhibited in more than one class except when especially mentioned in the Prize List. No one shall be allowed to enter more than one item in any one Section, however this rule does not apply to large livestock.
  3. On Wednesday, October 9, 2024 the grounds and buildings will be open to exhibitors and their assistants for preparation between 3:30-8:30 pm. All exhibits, except livestock must be in place and ready for judging by 8:30 pm. Domestic Science, Handicraft and Photography classes will be judged Thursday morning.
  4. No animal or article entered for competition shall necessarily entitle the owner to premium unless worthy of a prize.
  5. Any person who shall attempt to interfere with the judges while in the discharge of their duties or who shall afterwards on the premises of the Society, use contemptuous or abusive language to a judge in consequence of any award made by him/ her, shall forfeit his/her rights to ANY premiums to which he/she might otherwise be entitled and shall be prohibited from exhibiting for one (1) year thereafter. Judges are requested to immediately report any breach of this rule to the President.
  1. No animal or article exhibited shall have about it, the name of its owner or a prize color of cards until awards have been made in the respective classes.
  2. All livestock must meet health standards and all livestock exhibitors MUST have$1,000,000 liability insurance. All cattle and sheep MUST be tagged with the nationally accepted identification tags before they are permitted to enter the grounds.
  1. The decision of the Judge is FINAL in awarding prizes and no appeal shall be considered except in the case of a protest. All protests must be made in writing, stating briefly the grounds of the objection/protest, and must be delivered to the Secretary, before the close of the Fair. Any exhibitor making such a protest shall be required to make a deposit of ten dollars ($10), which sum shall be forfeited to the Society if said protest is not sustained. The President, a Vice-President and one other officer shall constitute the committee to determine such a protest. The Secretary shall hold payment of prize or premium until a decision has been made by the tribunal. This decision will be final.
  1. Any exhibitor who shall be guilty of fraud or fraudulent practice in connection with, or in relation to, or upon or against the Society, shall forfeit prize or premium that may have been awarded to him/her.
  2. It is a nice feeling to be a prize winner at the Fair. It is an even nicer feeling to acknowledge the donor of that trophy or special prize either verbally, or by a phone call, or a thank you note.
  3.   Absolutely no alcohol is permitted to be brought onto the grounds without authorization.

Hold Harmless Agreement

Upon making an entry the exhibitor shall indemnify and Hold Harmless the Flos Agricultural Society, their members, agents and employees from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceeding by any third parties that may arise out of, or may attribute to, all operations performed by or carried out by the exhibitor, his agents, employees, or servants or anyone for whose acts he may be held liable, howsoever caused.

Payment of Premiums

  1. Premiums/prizes shall be payable by cheque, in the mail (address information required by Fair Office), as soon as possible after the Fair, upon completion of all required clerical work. ALL PRIZE MONEY NOT REDEEMED BEFORE THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY, 2025 WILL BE FORFEITED TO THE SOCIETY. PLEASE CASH CHEQUES PROMPTLY before December 31, 2024.
  1. In case of bad weather or any unforeseen circumstances – this Society only binds itself to pay as much pro-rate of the prize money as is consistent with the receipts.
  2. Prize money of less than $5 can be donated back to the Society by initialing statement on Entry Form when registering exhibits.

Admission, Passes, etc.

  1. All Officers and Directors will be furnished with identification, which they will be expected to wear, which admits them and their vehicle to the grounds at any time.
  2. Delivery trucks and other vehicles doing business with vendors on the grounds may secure, from the Society office, an automobile pass.

NOTE: Gate attendants have strict instructions in respect to the above rules.